For Job Interviews

The day of the interview can bring with it many mixed feelings.

God of the universe,

You do all things well.

Everything is in your power.

You create in marvelous ways.
Your great grace is undeserved.
You made a way for us when we were enemies and slaves.
In our sin you rescued us.

You have a plan for our future.

You will restore all things and have seen fit to fill us in on this plan—from The Garden to new life in Christ, to the coming Kingdom.

You are gracious and merciful to do so.

As I prepare my mind and my heart for this upcoming opportunity, Lord, I thank you.

I praise you for my past.
The history that has made me.
The road I have traveled to get here.
The people who have helped me.

May I be reminded that this opportunity, regardless of outcome, is a reflection of your goodness and wisdom and order.

By your Holy Spirit I humbly ask…

…That I may feel your peace.

In the turmoil of fear, and lies I may be tempted to believe of myself and who you have made me, calm these storms.

…That I may speak with a wise humility.

Grant my mouth the words when my mind may falter and may I recall from memory rightly when it is needed.

…That I may ask with gentle confidence.

When it is my turn to ask questions, may I draw insightfully from a rich well of inquiry, so that I may not be left with confusion but instead clarity.

…That my mind and hands may be steady for the task.

If a challenge is before me, please draw to mind a solution. If I feel stuck, may I ask for help, remembering that while Christ was here, he was humble to seek help.

In moments of my awkwardness bring levity.

And for those on the other side of the table, phone, or screen, I pray that they would likewise receive and take in everything they need for the sake of the finding a good employee.

Lord, establish these steps before me, I pray.

I commit these moments ahead into your more capable hands.

You hold my future. May I rest in the knowledge…

You do all things well.


Published on: 4/14/2022